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Properties of Healing Crystals, C - Calcite

by Raven and Crone

Metaphysical Properties and Meanings for Healing Crystals, Gemstones and Tumbled Stones



Calcite, Black
: also called Shamanite is a rare and recently-discovered North American Black Calcite stone, has been certified by the Gemological Institute of America. Shamanites age is scientifically established as PALEOZOIC, 500 million years old. Native American mountain tribes have been creating Shamanite ceremonial objects and jewelry for centuries. North American Black Calcite is sometimes called Toho which means Mountain Lion, by tribal healers and artists. Warm to the skin, Shamanite emanates a protective ancestral vibration. Shielding the wearer from psychic attack, envy and the resentment of others. Black calcite absorbs negativity and is a purifying crystal. Black Calcite stone is a protective stone with the power to heal spiritual wounds, ancestral troubles and assists with grief and mourning. It can be very useful for initiating shamanic journeys, and it can help connect inwardly with power animals and spirit guides. It aids in communication with spirit guides on the other side as well as loved ones who have passed. It can help dispel the fear of death through bringing one to a clear experience that death is not the end of ones being.  The calcite component facilitates a clear, calm awareness, making it easier to remain centered through difficult moments of inner or outer life. It can be used in meditation and offers spiritual protection to those who carry it and offers more o those interested in serious inner work. Shamanite also deepens psychic trance work. SHAMANITE is perfect for ceremonial jewelry and protective amulets. Black Calcite Shamanite resonates well with Moldavite, Larimar, Shaman Stones and Nummite. Shamanite Black Calcite resonates with the heart and third eye chakras and it can activate a synergy of their energies to open the portal of the crown chakra. Black Calcite is associated with all chakras.
Calcite, Blue : is calming and soothing. Nearness of blue calcite is great for calming frayed nerves. Blue calcite in your environment can make you aware of needs for rest, which is the first step in helping you get the rest you need. Blue calcite assists in freely expressing the emotions and eases emotional pain. Activates freer expression of creative abilities. Calcite is a wonderful healer and aligner, working with grounding energies through into the physical plane. Calcite is the cleanser of negative stored energies within the human system. It helps you express your views calmly and with tact. Blue calcite is also an enhancer of decision-making. It brings this quality to life through its ability to help you see more clearly what path will lead you to happiness. Blue calcite amplifies energy, particularly in the realms of communication and thought. Blue calcite is an excellent aid to communication. It fosters enlightened discussion, and eases communication between people with opposing views. The array of colors works on all areas of the body and aura, from the gross physical to the finest layers of the etheric. Blue calcite is also an excellent stone for students. It helps retain lessons learned and amplifies learning. Placement of the various colors of calcite upon the body has induced amplification of ones energy fields. Calcite works to help the mind and body to remember: The mind, to remember information brought to bear during astral travel and channeling experiences. The body to remember the state of perfection during disease in order to return to the natural state of flawlessness. Calcite is a world teacher for all of humanity, facilitating universal awareness and appreciation of the creative forces of nature. In the physical realm, blue calcite is used for the throat, lungs, tonsillitis, thyroid, arthritis, joints, and high blood pressure. Blue Calcite is associated with the throat chakra.   
Calcite, Clear : sometimes called Optical Calcite or Iceland Spar. Clear pieces of Optical Calcite carry a very high and unique vibration that is evident just by holding them. Calcite increases and amplifies energy. This makes it an excellent stone for distance healing, as well as other types of healing. One of the energies it amplifies is learning abilities, and thus is a great stone for students. Calcite is a protecting, grounding and centering stone, and can help bring inner peace. Since calcite also promotes creativity and imagination, this inner peace it can bring is a vibrant one. Calcite has been said to increase prosperity. It can also be helpful in astral travel and in channeling, as well as increasing intuition. Calcite is also a stone of spirituality and wisdom. All calcites are helpful in lessening of fear and reducing stress. Calcite is probably the premier cleanser of stored negative energies in the human system, and works on all levels from the physical to the etheric. This makes it a very purifying stone. It can also be used to clear negativity in the environment, such as a room that its in. Meditation with Optical Calcite can help to improve ones perception of the physical world and of the self, creating a shift in those who experience predominantly negative emotions. Use this crystal to clear away negative energy, and to amplify positive energy, and help remove fear-based emotions, bringing more optimism into ones experience. In the realm of relationships, calcite brings its properties of grounding and centering, to make it a stone of reconciliation. Calcite can help arguments in a relationship, and help maintain a practical balance between the people in the relationship. Optical Calcite is helpful for those in need of clarity, and those who are learning about Law of Attraction and manifestation. Like Clear Quartz, Optical Calcite can amplify intent, and can be programmed for a specific purpose. Optical Calcite can help one to see past errors and ways to correct them for benefit in the future. Calcite is a powerful energy amplifier and cleanser. The purifying energy of Calcite cleans out stored negative energy from a room, the body, etc. Use Calcite to clear out old energy patterns and to increase personal motivation and drive. Physically, calcite are good for back pain, increasing physical strength, teeth, eyes, bones, joints, and balances the amount of calcium in the body. Calcite can also help to improve the bodys absorption of important vitamins and minerals. and are generally good for healing. It can also be used for detoxifying and as an antiseptic agent. Calcite is especially helpful with emotional and mental conditions. Clear calcite can be used to open and balance all the chakras. Their energies of manifestation make them excellent for grid work.  All types of calcite work well with one another but clear calcite also harmonizes with Moldavite, Scolecite and Danburite

Calcite, Cobaltoan : also called Sphaerocobaltite. This pink crystal is known for one of the most loving minerals. A gift of Cobaltoan Calcite is a gift of love. It helps with the formation of friendships, activates and stimulates and clears the heart chakra and enhances love. It also encourages a positivity, dispels negativity, charges the auric bodies and facilitates a deep and stable connection with the spirit world. Use Cobaltoan Calcite as a guide to past lives. It enhances all psychic abilities and produces experiences which include contact with those of the spirit world, visions, healins and unusal manifestations. Cobaltoan Calcite can be used to induce deep relaxation and to generate ideas and solutions. It is an excellent stone for meditation. It has been used to balance the yin yang energies. Cobaltoan Calcite healing crystal can be used in the treatment of those conditions which are considered age related disorders. It can be used to inhibit the degeneration of celluar structures. Associated with the heart chakra.
Calcite, Golden
: increases and amplifies energy. It is an excellent stone for distance healing and other types of healing. One of the energies it amplifies is learning abilities and is a great stone for students. Calcite is a protecting, grounding and centering stone, and can help bring inner peace. Since calcite also promotes creativity and imagination, this inner peace it can bring is a vibrant one. Calcite has been said to increase prosperity. It can also be helpful in astral travel and in channeling, as well as increasing intuition. Calcite is also a stone of spirituality and wisdom. All calcites stones are helpful in lessening of fear and reducing stress. Calcite is probably the premier cleanser of stored negative energies in the human system, and works on all levels from the physical to the etheric. This makes it a very purifying stone. It can also be used to clear negativity in the environment, such as a room that its in. Meditation with Optical Calcite can help to improve ones perception of the physical world and of the self, creating a shift in those who experience predominantly negative emotions. One can use Calcite to clear away negative energy, and to amplify positive energy, and specifically, to help remove fear-based emotions, bringing more optimism into ones experience. In the realm of relationships, calcite brings its properties of grounding and centering, to make it a stone of reconciliation. Calcite can help arguments in a relationship, and help maintain a practical balance between the people in the relationship. Optical Calcite is helpful for those in need of clarity, and those who are learning about Law of Attraction and manifestation. Like Clear Quartz, Calcite can amplify intent, and can be programmed for a specific purpose. Calcite can help one to see past errors and ways to correct them for benefit in the future. Calcite is a powerful energy amplifier and cleanser. The purifying energy of Calcite cleans out stored negative energy from a room, the body, etc. Use Calcite to clear out old energy patterns and to increase personal motivation and drive. Calcite is also a good choice for distance healing work, because it amplifies the energy being sent. Physically, calcites are good for back pain, increasing physical strength, teeth, eyes, and are generally good for healing. Golden calcite can be used for treating all conditions. It can also be used for detoxifying and as an antiseptic agent. Calcite is especially helpful with emotional and mental conditions. Golden calcite can be used to open and balance all the chakras. These pieces are great for placing on the chakras during body-layouts and meditation. Their energies of manifestation make them excellent for grid work. Physically, Calcite has been associated with the bones and joints, and balances the amount of calcium in the body. Calcite can also help to improve the bodys absorption of important vitamins and minerals.
Calcite, Green: also known as Emerald Calcite is a very deep healing heart chakra stone. It heals those deepest issues of the heart such as love of self and others. Cleansing of old stagnant and blocked energy. Breaking old relationship habits and patterns. Green Calcite allows you to surrender or to let go of those love issues which have stopped you from finding your true love or soul mate. It helps with the need to be in a relationship. Green Calcite helps cool off anger and irritability.  It can help in meditation by quieting the mind and also make dreams more pleasant. Carrying it can feel relaxed amid the tresses of daily life. It can assist one of clearing out the old energy that you are projecting. If you project the energy of neediness or being a victim, you will only attract those who are not good for you. Use Green Calcite to help you project an image of love and self-respect for yourself. This will allow your true energy to show and only then will you be able to mirror your soul mate. In numerology Green Calcite vibrates to the number 3, joy and creativity! This stone is fairly soft as most calcites are. Calcite is fairly abundant and is found all over the world. Green Calcite is believed to be colored green by chromium. Green Calcite harmonizes well with all other calcites, green apophyllite, chrysoprase, petalite, lepidolite and seraphinite. Green Calcite is associated with the Heart Chakra.
Calcite, Honey: gently amplifies energy, assists with challenges associated with change. It enhances psychic abilities, astral projection, higher consciousness, intellect and memory. It is an excellent massage stone. This stone assists with mental clarity, focused energy and grounding which is necessary to complete complex tasks or long term projects successfully. It is the best tone for work challenges requiring your full attention. It can help overcome drowsiness, allowing you to stay alert during jobs that require long hours. At the same time it facilitates a state of relaxation, so that your work does not result in stress. Honey calcite combines well with Moldavite, Celestite and other Calcites.  It helps to understand how to put the Divine inspiration and guidance into action. It helps clear the mind and prepare to receive higher knowledge and learning. It can be effective for studying and developing new skill. It can give a person the strength to break old patterns and undertake new direction. Honey Calcite helps overcome fear, procrastination and stimulates self worth. This stone can be used to remove blockages that prevent you from reaching your full abundance. It assists is developing an attitude of gratitude and abundance. Honey Calcite helps to overcome feelings of being overwhelmed and to be positive about your ability to change your life. It enhances self confidence and courage. It teaches about the right use of power and the responsibility you have to employ for the highest good of all. It helps perceive infinite abundance and to overcome any limiting beliefs in scarcity. It can help recognize and develop multiple skills, both mundane and spiritual. Honey Calcite is a wonderful stone for those who have experienced sexual or emotional abuse. It can aid in correcting immune imbalances of all types. It works to balance the endocrine system and balance hormone levels. It can assist in supporting healthy blood sugar levels and strengthening the pancreas. It activates the root, solar plexus and 3rd eye chakra

Calcite, Mangano: has a gentle but powerful energy, and is excellent for energy healing because of its excellent properties of energy magnification. Pink calcite helps to clear, soothe and support the emotional body by acknowledging and releasing deeply held emotional patterns and beliefs such as anger or grief. This crystal helps with emotional traumas by activating the heart chakra and connecting to the energy of Divine Love which brings a feeling of wholeness to ones being. It is a calming stone that eases and heals the heart chakra. It fills the heart with universal love and self-love. It offers hope. It heals inner child hurts and past abuse by filling one with a sense of motherly love. It is also excellent for channeling and astral travel, and for studying and retaining information learned. Use it to release fear, open your heart and move towards that which you desire. Mangano Calcite helps us to experience feelings of absolute safety within our own heart and can give us strength to cope with emotional pain. Perfect for studying and to those who need a sharp memory. It can give you extra energy to get through your day, as it is an energy amplifier. Use to speed up your spiritual development. Mangano calcite creates stability and trust in ourselves. It helps us to overcome difficulties. It enhances memory and makes us more energetic, industrious and successful. Helps to alleviate fear. Mangano Calcite is a calcium carbonate and has a distinct pink color with white inclusions. The pink color is due to its Manganese content. Mangano Calcite harmonizes well with rose quartz, morganite, kunzite, moldavite and all other calcites.
Calcite, Orange
: is a protecting, purifying, grounding and centering stone, and can help bring inner peace. It also increases creativity, imagination, and prosperity. Calcite is also a stone of spirituality, wisdom and reconciliation. Calcite of different colors is great for using to open and balance the various chakras. Physically, calcites can heal back pain, increase physical strength, heal teeth, and are generally good for healing. Orange calcite can also give a gentle boost to psychic abilities and intuition. Calcite increases and amplifies energy. It can also be helpful in astral travel and in channeling, as well as with increasing intuition. All calcites are helpful in lessening of fear and reducing stress.  Orange calcite is a stone that can relieve emotional fear, mental breakdown, depression, accidents, rape, divorce, suicidal thoughts. It is particularly helpful with phobias. Orange calcite restores mental and emotional equilibrium. Meditating with Orange Calcite can bring insights into the causes of apathy or lethargy, allowing one to take back control over ones life.  Orange Calcites vital energy can serve as a catalyst for the release of past traumas that have been holding you back, allowing for optimism and joy to come in. Orange Calcite harmonizes well with carnelian, golden labradorite, citrine, selenite and all other calcites. Those experiencing depression will benefit from Orange Calcites infusion of bright vibrations into the lower chakras. It can energize and cleanse the Root and Sacral Chakras and to bring positive energy into the areas of the will and sexuality.  
Raven and Crone, LLC may not be held responsible for any damage or injury to person or property resulting from the use of any item sold by Raven And Crone, LLC The buyer understands that he or she is responsible for the safe handling of any item purchased from Raven And Crone, LLC. Metaphysical information is or educational, inspirational, and entertainment purposes only. Mystical information on spiritual healing information is not to be construed as prescription or healthcare information. See your physician or other healthcare practitioner for all ailments, disease and injury. Raven and Crone, LLC assumes no liability for any use or misuse of this information.

The information in this section is from information given in a number of texts such as 'Love is in the Earth' by Melody, 'The Book of Stones' by Robert Simmons-Naisha Ahsians and 'The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall, unless otherwise stated. We try to credit all articles but sometimes don't know where they came from. Some information is our own research and some is sent into us by friends and customers. If you see something here that is yours and your not getting credit for it please contact us and we will add you as the author or remove it if requested. We want to thank everyone for sharing this wonderful information! 

This article was published on Sunday 01 September, 2013.
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