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Properties of Healing Crystals, Q - Quartz to Que Sera

by Raven and Crone

Metaphysical Properties and Meanings for Healing Crystals, Gemstones and Tumbled Stones
Quartz through Que Sera
Quartz, Clear: is the most versatile and multi dimensional stone. Quartz can be programmed by ones intention to assist in achieving virtually any goal in life. It can be used to amplify the energies of other stones and enhance the energies of groups of stones. This makes quartz the ideal base for energy tools. it can be used for any metaphysical purpose such as healing, consciousness expansion, chakra work, communicating with guides, past life recall, inter dimensional travel, balancing of polarities, enhancing meditation, dreaming, attracting or sending love, general prosperity and anything else you can imagine. Quartz comes in varying degrees of clarity from water clear to densely clouded. It is a healing and energy amplifier. It absorbs stores, transmits, charges, intensifies, releases and regulates energy. Quartz raises energy to the highest spiritual level. This crystal is a protective and balancing stone. It is used for healing, channels all the chakra colors, psychic development, meditation. Clear quartz is the most vital element of any crystal collection. It contains within it the full spectrum of colors, and can thus be used for a variety of purposes: psychic and emotional healing, programming for any of your goals, to balance the chakras, or as a general meditational aid. Clear quartz crystals helps with wisdom, clarity of thought, general healing, memory, meditation, communication, transformation, awakening, cleansing, pureness of heart, intention, higher consciousness, positive thoughts, harmony and love. This stone amplifies magick, wishes and positive visualizations. Quartz also encourages emotional clarity and purity. Clear Quartz is associated with all chakras.

Quartz, Angel: also known as Amphibole is a milky white quartz crystal. Angel Quartz is said to be excellent for attracting and working with angels. In metaphysics it is used to create balance in any aspect of life, and act from Universal love, as well as contacting your Spirit Guides. This gemstone also used in mystical energy work for astral travel, lucid dreaming, and communications with the Higher Self. Angel Quartz is said to be a stone of emotional clarity and balance in particular. It is reputed to shield one from verbal abuse. This is especially helpful to those that have been emotionally or verbally abused. Angel Quartz is a wonderful aid to meditation. In crystal healing and energy healing, Angel Quartz is said to be helpful for problems of the eyes, digestion, fevers, and pain. Angel Quartz is associated primarily with the third eye and crown chakras. Angel Quartz often contains additional inclusions such as Hematite. The inclusions are often red or yellow depending on the included minerals. The Angel Quartz is sometimes in a phantom. Some Angel Quartz crystals have inclusions that sometimes have a wispy effect resembling angel wings. Angel Quartz is found only in Brazil at Minas Gerias. Angel Quartz is associated Chakras are the Crown and Third Eye Chakra.
Quartz, Blue: also called Dumortierite is a stone that enhances organizational abilities, self-discipline and orderliness. This enhancement is believed to be due to the effect it can have of balancing the throat chakra and enhancing communication between lower chakras-physical energy and the higher chakras-mental spiritual energy. Blue quartz greatly reduces problems with scattered mind and disorganization, and brings mental clarity. Blue quartz brings a sense of order to all things, releases fear and brings courage to ones life. It is also a boost for creativity and expression. It also helps one to see and accept reality, and react to it intelligently in ones behalf. It can lift depression and replace it with peace and happiness. It also can help reduce stubbornness, particularly stubbornness that is ultimately bad for a person. Blue quartz helps reduce emotional tension and helps a person with patience.  Blue Quartz stimulates verbalization of spiritual ideas. This crystal aids in opening ones clairvoyant abilities, which we all have. In addition, it encourages one to see and accept reality, and react to it in an intelligent manner. It also helps one to see and accept reality, and react to it intelligently in ones behalf. In the psychic and spiritual realms, blue quartz brings spiritual development, and contact with spirit guides and angels. It can also help you express your spiritual thoughts and dreams. Blue quartz is excellent for peaceful mindfulness or meditation. Dumortierite harmonizes well with lapis lazuli. Blue quartz is associated with the throat chakra, and it enhances communication between the lower and higher chakras.

Quartz, Diamantina Laser Wands: are natural quartz crystals that were mined in Diamantina, Brazil. The Diamantina Mine in Minas Gerias, Brazil is famous for the unique crystals that come out of it. The laser wand crystal is a long slender crystal terminating with small faces. The crystal tapers from the base to the termination. The angles of the sides of the crystal are often curved and have unique etchings and or markings upon them. Diamantina Crystals are one of the true healers for the new millennium, bringing in energy for higher vibrational healing and attunement and helping one to believe. Crystal Healings Wands are used in crystal healing to help direct healing energy. A wand pointed away from the body will tend to draw energy away and a wand or point pointed towards the body will tend to channel energy in. Universal energy rather than your own energy is focused down the wand and through the point. Laser Wands tend to focus the energy into a laser type concentration at the tip of the wand. Diamantina Crystals are natural Laser Wands and come from the Earth this way and are not carved. They are believed to have been used in the Healing Temples of Atlantis and Lemuria. Diamantina Crystals are excellent for focusing energy. The Diamantina Crystal Points are energetically and vibrantly pleasing because when the energy flows through this wand and into the point, the energy literally explodes as it heals! This Crystal Healing Wand is also very helpful for cutting away negativity and even entities.
Quartz, Faden: is a variety of quartz crystal that is distinguished from other Quartz crystals by the presence of a fuzzy white line running through the middle. Faden crystal is one of the most important healing stones of the quartz family. Faden are a highly programmable crystal and can amplify and activate ones healing capacity. It can also be programmed for multiple uses such as healing, accessing one or more of the higher planes, protection, chakra balancing and more. Because of their high energy they retain their programming for long periods of time without needing to be recharged. If you wish to change the programming of a Faden Quartz crystal it must first be cleared of old programs. Burial in the ground for one week or an overnight salt water bath will work. Faden Quartz is used for physical, mental, emotional stability and assists in removing unhealthy emotional attachments. Faden Crystal is a stone of connections such as spiritual or relationship connections between one and another. It is a protection crystal and can be programmed to provide protection from physical disruption, both for individuals and for places. Carrying or wearing a Faden Quartz can be most beneficial. Faden Quartz is ideal for consciousness expansion and accessing any of the higher vibrational planes. They are also well suited for those who wish to attune to the inner movements of the Earth. The Fadens' experience of past earth changes makes them ideal tools for those who seek information on current and future physical and vibrational shifts of the Earth. Metaphysical healing lore says that Faden Quartz is excellent for physical healing of bone breaks, muscle tears, facilitates mending on all levels, surgery and rejuvenation from any disorder.Faden Quartz harmonizes well with moldavite, danburite, seraphinite and sugilite. Faden Quartz is asscociated with all chakras and can integrate and activate all of them.

Quartz, Golden:
is also called yellow quartz. Gold quartz is a healer of emotional, physical and mental disturbances. Golden Quartz can bring clarity for decision making and relief from burnout. Yellow Quartz is a very subtle and soothing crystal that helps with panic, nervousness and exhaustion. It can sharpen memory and concentration skills. This crystal brings feelings of calm, love and acceptance. Gold Quartz healing crystal protects from lethargy and depression during dull weather.  Golden Quartz is associated with the solar plexus chakra.    

Quartz, Green: is a grounding, clearing and empowering stone. Green quartz helps those seeking attunement and Higher Consciousness. Green Quartz activates the mind in guiding through layers of confusion and karma. It is an uplifting stone and brings a sense of oneness and bridges the heart, mind and spirit, to learn from within. Green Quartz work well with opening and stabilizing the heart chakra and promotes intuitive capability which is coupled with love. It is a stone of transformation, turning negative energy into positive without releasing it into the atmosphere. Green Quartz inspires creativity and attracts success, prosperity and abundance. In metaphysical healing Green Quartz interacts with the endocrine glands to keep the body balanced. These stones provide an ongoing feeling of peace and compassion to their owner. There is a high frequency energy exchange with those who come in contact with Green Quartz.
Hematoid Quartz : is the name given to Quartz crystals included with Hematite. Often the inclusions appear as tiny reddish brown or black. Hematoid Quartz is also known as Specularite Quartz, Ferruginous Quartz or Fire Quartz. As a natural combination, the Hematoid Quartz, combines the high amplification properties of Quartz with the stabilizing energy of Hematite. It is a highly energetic crystal that assists in removing negativity but also transforming and transmuting this energy into a positive universal light of love. It is a powerful grounding crystal. Hematoid Quartz can be used to manifest dreams into physical reality, transforms negativity into tranquility and clarity. The combination of Quartz and Hematite balances the body, mind and spirit. It brings a unique clarity and understanding to the emotions. It also helps boost Self Worth and Self Esteem when they are lacking. Metaphysical healing lore says Hematoid Quartz can be used in the treatment of blood disorders, to balance the chakras, boost the immune system, stimulate healing and pain relief, strengthen liver and kidney functions, and cleanse toxins. It can enhance focus and concentration and would be especially helpful for those with ADD and ADHD. Those with short attention spans or have trouble completing projects would benefit from holding or carrying Hematoid Quartz. Use Hematoid Quartz for grounding and balance when feeling scattered. It can also be used to calm anxieties, panic and maintain emotional balance during times of stress. Hematoid Quartz can be used to stimulate healing of any disease. It is also known for it's action to provide pain relief.
Hematoid Quartz closes the energetic loop between the Root and Crown Chakras within the aura. It draws the stray energies down into the root chakra and can assist in balancing emotion and thought. Hematoid Quartz have iron oxides that have permeated into the crystal as well as a concentration of hematite. The natural inclusions and fractures to the stone can show a light sparkling appearance in areas. Hematoid Quartz is associated with all chakras.
Quartz, Herkimer Diamond:   is called the stone of attunement. While it is not actually diamond, it is quartz that often resembles the sparkling clarity of diamonds. It can be metaphysically programmed to attune one to an environment, a situation, a quality, or most anything. It is said to assist with balance on the mental, emotional and physical levels. It can be used effectively to clear and open any chakra. It is professed to relieve tension and thereby promote peace of mind. Psychically, its useful for auric cleansing and dream recall. Mystical lore says that physically it can be used to heal addictions and remove toxins. Herkimer Diamond is associated with the crown chakra. Herkimer Diamonds are not chemically a diamond, although they do have a sparkle that is similar to a Diamond. The clarity and sparkle of Herkimer Diamonds make them a rare type of clear quartz crystal. Herkimer Diamonds are naturally double terminated quartz crystals and are found in Herkimer, New York, from which they get their name; Herkimer Diamonds. Herkimer Diamonds can enhance the properties of any stone but especially harmonize well with moldavite, scolecite, celestite and danburite. Associated with the 3rd Eye and Crown Chakras.

Ice Quartz, Arkansas: Quartz from Arkansas is purer and clearer than almost any other found in the world. In fact, the finer crystals are pure enough to make synthetic quartz used in computer components. Ice Quartz is sometimes referred to as Arkansas Diamonds. Clear Quartz from Arkansas is recognized as some of the purest in the world. Quartz from this area tends to have a more refined energy than that from Brazil. Arkansas Ice Quartz transmits energy, charges and intensifies, protection, balancing, healing, channels all the chakra colors, physic development, meditation. Clear quartz is the most vital element of any crystal collection. It contains within it the full spectrum of colors, and can thus be used for a variety of purposes: psychic and emotional healing, programming for any of your goals, to balance the chakras, or as a general meditational aid. Clear quartz crystals helps with wisdom, clarity of thought, general healing, memory, meditation, communication, transformation, awakening, cleansing, pureness of heart, intention, higher consciousness, positive thoughts, harmony and love. This stone amplifies magick, wishes and positive visualizations. They also encourage emotional clarity and purity. Ice Quartz is associated with all chakras.
Quartz, Lemon: reduces stress, negative thoughts and anxiety. It is a good luck stone that brings abundance and prosperity. It is a stone of good luck and is said to bring in money during times of emergency or need. Carry Lemon Quartz when on a job interview or at exams since it assists with quick thinking and decisions. Lemon Quartz is a crystal of well being and optimism. It assists with emotional balance, helps us focus our minds, amplify our thoughts and see clearly. Lemon Quartz helps us focus on goals and  set targets in our lives. This stone amplifies thoughts and allows you to see clearly and receive information intuitively. Metaphysical healing lore says that Lemon Quartz helps with diabetes, increases brain function, speeds recovery after illness or surgery, reduces nicotine cravings, helps when on a diet and reduces cravings and increases metabolism. Lemon Quartz is associated with the Third Eye, Crown and Solar Plexus Chakras.

Quartz, Lodolite:
known as Lodalite, Lodolite Quartz, Lodelite, Scenic Quartz, Garden Quartz or Landscape Quartz is a type of included quartz crystal with inclusions of many possible colors and types, often having the look of gardens, landscapes, or underwater scenes. Lodolite is an excellent healing stone bringing strong healing energies and energetic shifting so that healing will occur. Lodolite is helpful when used in meditation practices and is a great assistant that helps one with getting into the meditative state. Lodolite brings energies to effect manifestation of ones desires. Lodolite is also said to enhance communication with beings on the spiritual plane and heighten ones spiritual energies. It is used mystically to increase ESP and bring knowledge from your past lives. Lodolite is said to bring loving energies and energies of gentle strength. It heightens ones awareness of your emotions, letting you know what feels good and you keep doing it or it feels bad and you are able stop and change what your thinking to a better feeling through. Lodolite is a great dreaming crystal. It is also helpful for enhancing ones sensitivity to energy, like when using Reiki energy. One of the most common metaphysical uses of lodolite is to bring energies to effect manifestation of ones desires. Lodolite often has many other mineral included in it such as hematite and chlorite as well so these properties should be looked at as well. Lodolite Quartz is a associated with the crown chakra.

Quartz, Moon:
is also known as Girasol, Blue Opal Quartz, Moon Opal, Pearl Quartz or Foggy Quartz. It is actually Rock Crystal clouded by water, has a milky sheen almost opalescence to it. Moon Quartz is a powerful healing stone that firmly yet gently enhances healing of spiritual, emotional and physical wounds. Moon Quartz is a stone of gentle, calming but powerful energy that can enhance and clarify feelings especially those connected to love and passion, and allows the bearer to look deep within themselves for true feelings. It can enhance and mirror feelings, which make it excellent for visualization, imagination, dream work and direction of energy such as Reiki. Moon Quartz enhances communication skills and can help the user speak thoughts that otherwise might be difficult to express. It also encourages and enhances creativity in artistic, business and practical areas. If you wind up stuck in a rut of some sort, then girasol can help you start to reignite your interest in living and help you see more imaginative solutions to mundane problems. Moon Quartz unique capability allows it to connect to users energy, cleanse it and circulate it so that self-healing becomes possible. Moon Quartz is particularly helpful for diabetes, immune system imbalances, chronic fatigue syndrome and fatigue. Moon Quartz works with the throat chakra and the crown chakra.

Quartz, Nirvana: this unusual icy white or pink quartz is a type of interference quartz formation with a powerful, nurturing and protective energy signature known as Nirvana Quartz, Nirvana Quartz Pale Pink Ice Point or Himalayan Ice Quartz, which is new in the world crystal markets. Meditating with Nirvana Quartz can bring deep peace. For those who are not crystal sensitive, they can feel the energy from these crystals. Nirvana Quartz brings joy, well being, peace and protection from fear. Growth interference crystals are typically used to enhance understanding of blocks we encounter in our quest for emotional, physical, or spiritual growth, and to gently remove these stuck energies, representing old and outdated mental conceptions of the world, recurring patterns of negative behavior manifesting in relationships, negative emotional reactions to life conditions, and physical impediments to health and well-being. The growth interference crystal can be used to help remove blockages in the chakra system, facilitating the flow of Kundalini energy throughout the human energy field. Nirvana Ice Quartz tends to heat up quite rapidly in the hand. One notices a strong flow of warmth and a surge of Universal Life Force energy up the arm and into the chest, centering in the heart, and then rushing down the trunk into the lower chakras, providing support, centering and grounding ones being. . Nirvana Ice Quartz is a wonderful stone to hold or place under the pillow when entering dreamtime, and provides a feeling of security, warmth, protection and well-being.  Nirvana Quartz originates high in the Himalayan mountain ranges of northern India. Late in 2006, Nirvana Quartz was discovered in extremely high altitude areas which had formerly been covered in ice 365 days a year. Exploring where glaciers had recently retreated, rock hounds discovered deposits of a unique type of rosy quartz never seen before. Nirvana Quartz appears in wands and in chunks composed of aggregates of irregularly shaped, convoluted smaller crystal formations which have grown into a single larger specimen over millennia of geological time. Himalayan Ice Quartz almost invariably lacks the more common six-sided shaft and well-defined termination tips characteristic of much clear and rose quartz found around the world. Nirvana Ice Quartz is an extreme example of the type of crystal formation known as growth interference quartz. Growth interference crystals are created when calcite or other mineral formations adhere to the crystallizing quartz formation, and then disappear over time. This results in the creation of indentations, grooves and other irregularities along the prismatic faces of the quartz crystal. The mine for these crystals has been mined out and this stone is becoming very rare. Metaphysical healing lore says Nirvana Ice Quartz is more on the emotional and spiritual level and can be helpful in assisting you in finding strength and wisdom to face debilitating disease. Nirvana Ice Quartz harmonizes well with moldavite, petalite, danburite, morganite, kunzite, rose quartz and pink tourmaline. Nirvana Ice Quartz is associated with all chakras.

Quartz, Phantom: can be used to connect to a spiritual guide, enhance meditation and recover repressed memories in order to put the past into perspective. They are stones of universal healing, crystals of grounding, dispelling negativity and energizing. They also aid intuition, open us up to universal love and acceptance while rejuvenating the user. Phantom Quartz crystals are wonderful awareness tools. Phantoms are considered excellent for past life work and meditation, and are valuable for the spiritual seeker. Physically, crystal healing and folk lore say that phantom crystals are excellent for initiating healing, bringing great energy to the healing process, and are especially helpful for hearing disorders, emotional healing and opens clairaudience. Phantom works very well with Seraphinite, and Angelite for connecting with the angelic domain. Associated Chakras are the Crown and Third Eye Chakra    

Quartz, Red Phantom:
are known to restore personal power and freedom within you. Phantom crystals are stated to stimulate and boost your intellect, creativity and intuition. Red Phantom Quartz heals anger and hurt, releases stress, emotional healing, boosting courage and self esteem. This crystal is also useful for will power and addictions, it is a great stone for dieters and people trying to quit smoking. Red Phantom Crystals are wonderful at helping you to look at yourself at a deeper level, heal the inner child, see old patterns and recover repressed memories. These crystals are a grounding stone and provide protection during metaphysical activities and enhance telepathy. Phantom Quartz is a great awareness tool and is used for past life work and meditation. This crystal makes a good talisman for business, enhances financial security, induces perseverance, helps overcome frustration and is useful for legal situations. Metaphysical Folk lore says that phantom crystals are a master healer for any condition. They are known to be excellent for initiating healing, bringing great energy to the healing process, and are especially helpful for inflammation, hearing disorders, support the formation of red blood cells, circulatory problems, and anemia and can be used for energy enhancement. Red Phantoms are frequently used to stimulate the lower Chakras, activate the Root, Sacral and the Solar Plexus Chakra. It is good for cleansing the entire auric field. Red Phantom Quartz is associated with the Base, Navel, Sacral chakras.

Quartz, Rose:
is a pink quartz stone of unconditional love and opens the heart chakra to all forms of love such as self-love, family love, platonic love, and romantic love. The elevated energy of quartz crystal gives rose quartz a property of enhancing love in virtually any situation. Rose quartz is soothing, calming and reduces stress and tension. It helps to clear anger, resentment, guilt, fear and jealousy. It helps balance emotions and heals emotional wounds and traumas, even grief, bringing peace and calm. Rose Quartz is also used to ease the process of transition in dying. Emotionally rose quartz brings gentleness, forgiveness, compassion, kindness and tolerance. It raises ones self-esteem and sense of self-worth. It can also heal and release childhood traumas, neglect, and lack of love, in part by enhancing inner awareness. It can help with reconciliation with family and others. Overwhelming or unreasonable guilt is eased by rose quartz. In the psychic and spiritual realms, rose quartz is often used to attract love, and for love spells. Rose quartz can be helpful for dream recall and dream work. In metaphysical  healing rose quartz is used to benefit the heart, the circulatory system, fertility, headaches, kidney disease, migraines, sexual dysfunction, sinus problems, throat problems, depression, addictions, ear aches, slowing signs of aging, reducing wrinkles, spleen problems, fibromyalgia, and weight loss. Rose quartz is also helpful and protective during pregnancy and with childbirth. It is also sometimes said that rose quartz is helpful for supporting brain functions and increasing intellect. Rose Quartz harmonizes well with most heart stones such as rhondonite, pink calcite, pink tourmaline, rhodocrosite, morganite, emerald and moldavite. Rose Quartz is associated with the heart chakra and the Astrological signs are Aries, Taurus, Virgo and Libra.    

Quartz, Rutilated: promotes spiritual growth, cleanses and energizes the aura. This crystal is said to aid in astral travel, scrying and channeling. It draws off negative energy and breaks down the barriers to spiritual progress, letting go of the past. Rutilated quartz crystal filters negative energy and supports their energy field during emotional release, it gives protection during psychic attack. Rutilated quartz is also purported to enhance mental and physical stability, self-reliance, and meditation on feminine ideas. It is reputed by intuitives and folklore to diminish fears, depression, anxiety and issues with decision-making. It helps facilitate transitions and change of direction. Emotionally, rutilated quartz soothes dark moods and acts as an anti depressant. This stone promotes forgiveness at all levels. Rutilated quartz can be used in past life healing, it assists in moving to a core life to access causes and to understand the results of previous actions. Rutilated quartz healing crystal is said to assist with tissue regeneration, assimilation of nutrition, slow the advancement of aging and absorbs mercury poisoning from nerves, muscles, blood and the intestinal tract. It is also said to boost the immune system and treat respiratory illness. Rutiliated quartz is also a mystical crystal diagnostic tool which can help discover the true cause of an ailment. This stone is excellent for exhaustion and energy depletion, treats the respiratory tract, stimulates growth in cells and repairs torn tissue. Rutilated quartz harmonizes well with all quartz, moldavite, danburite, petalite, scolecite, sugilite, black tourmaline, obsidian and jet. Rutilated Quartz is associated with the all chakras.

Quartz, Shamanic Dream: known as Lodalite, Lodolite Quartz, Lodelite, Scenic Quartz, Garden Quartz or Landscape Quartz is a type of included quartz crystal with inclusions of many possible colors and types, often having the look of gardens, landscapes, or underwater scenes. Shamanic Dream Quartz is an excellent healing stone bringing strong healing energies and energetic shifting so that healing will occur. Shamanic Dream Quartz is helpful when used in meditation practices and is a great assistant that helps one with getting into the meditative state. Shamanic Dream Quartz brings energies to effect manifestation of ones desires. Shamanic Dream Quartz is also said to enhance communication with beings on the spiritual plane and heighten ones spiritual energies. It is used mystically to increase ESP and bring knowledge from your past lives. Shamanic Dream Quartz is said to bring loving energies and energies of gentle strength. It heightens ones awareness of your emotions, letting you know what feels good and you keep doing it or it feels bad and you are able stop and change what your thinking to a better feeling through. Lodolite is a great dreaming crystal. It is also helpful for enhancing ones sensitivity to energy, like when using Reiki energy. One of the most common metaphysical uses of lodolite is to bring energies to effect manifestation of ones desires. Shamanic Dream Quartz often has many other mineral included in it such as hematite and chlorite as well so these properties should be looked at as well. Shamanic Dream Quartz is associated with the crown chakra.

Quartz, Smoky: is the ultimate grounding stone. It enhances practicality and organization. It lends focus to students. It is a protective stone, particularly for physical protection, protection from negativity, and psychic protection.  Smoky Quartz is grounding and stabilizing stone. Smoky Quartz purges resentment and suppressed conflicts. It is a crystal for when your in a bad mood. It brings calm, centering, patience, lifts depression, removes negative energies and brings happiness. Smoky quartz is also a good luck stone and can help bring prosperity. It can also assist in tapping subconscious wisdom. Smoky Quartz is useful for helping ones dreams and ideas into physical reality. It can help with spiritual growth and bringing it into ones life. Cleanse smoky quartz often since it pulls in negativity so easily. Smoky quartz harmonizes well with sugilite, black tourmaline, jet, obsidian and moldavite. Smoky quartz is associated with the root chakra.

Quartz, Spirit: increases both physical and intellectual fertility. Placed within the heart of your home, on your desk at work, or overseeing an event it enhances harmony and peace. This crystal is a wonderful companion when one is experiencing the loss of a loved one, bringing understanding of the process and assists in transition for both. Use to stimulate the manifestation of abundance in ones life. Spirit Quartz stone can activate and cleanse other minerals, enhance and increase the energy of other minerals. It has also been used to elevate ones sense of self-worth, and to relieve one of difficult memories from the past. Spirit quartz brings qualities of energy, peace, and positive energy to all realms. It is said to transform negative energy into positive energy, thereby being a very protective stone, and excellent for auric shielding as well as mental and physical types of protection. Spirit quartz is also excellent and often used for astral projection, dreamwork, shamanic journeying, and rebirthing. Emotionally it is said to remove fear, bringing emotional peace and happiness. Spirit quartz is used for skin disorders, allergic reactions, colon disorders, detoxification, and obsessive disorders, familial abuse related stress disorders. Spirit quartz will work to align and balance all chakras together. Lucid dreaming and astral traveling are both intensified when Spirit Quartz is placed under the pillow or on the bedside table during your sleep hours. To improve dream recall, or for inter-stellar travel, try combining with Herkimer Diamonds or Celestite. If you feel drawn to moving deeper within yourself, releasing the bonds that are holding you back, and living a more authentic life, then Spirit Quartz may assist this process. Use the crystal in meditation to identify the obstacles and gain a sound understanding of why you have created them and what you are to learn from them. Spirit Quartz has the ability to both draw in and transmit energy from its numerous points, making the crystal both an effective healing tool for direct hands on healing and magnifying the effect of other crystals and minerals in its presence. Children love the splendor of Spirit Quartz as it has a natural attraction to the fairy realm, and in particular Archangel Ariel. This crystal is like a childs best friend, as children delight in the joy, frivolity and cheekiness of all the fourth dimensional energys at play. Adults too can tune into Spirit Quartz vibration to lighten up on their journey of awakening and ascension and remember that their journey can be fun. Overall, Spirit Quartz is just one of those crystals to have, hold and love in your life, a treasure to be enjoyed. These gifts from Mother Earth hold the consciousness of divine Love, Peace and Unity and when we choose to align our heart and soul with their vibrations, we are paving the way for all of humanity to make the shift into a higher state of consciousness, a consciousness of love. Spirit Quartz harmonizes well with moldavite, all quartz and all beryl.  Spirit Quartz is associated with All Chakras.

Quartz, Strawberry: carries all the vibrations of Clear Quartz, with the additional attributes of universal love, understanding of purpose, and seizing the day. Carrying Strawberry Quartz can be soothing and calming for someone who works in a fast-paced environment. Strawberry Quartz has the ability to amplify intentions of love, gratitude and generosity, and can radiate those vibrations outward. Some wear Strawberry Quartz when trying to attract a soul-mate. Often, our soul-mates are those people who can really test us and show us where we need work. Strawberry Quartz assists in bringing balance to the psyche, the emotions, and the subtle energy bodies. An important tool for people on a new spiritual path, Strawberry Quartz can help one to gain insights into ones personality and inspire us to improve on it. Strawberry Quartz is a great facilitator of gaining hidden knowledge. Hold Strawberry Quartz as an aid-companion during meditation or journeying. It is perfect to add to a healing grid or use in a healing layout. Its color is caused exclusively by the many tiny elongated flakes of a red mineral that has often been misidentified as lepidocrocite, but has found to be hematite. Strawberry Quartz is associated with the Heart Chakra.

Quartz, Tangerine: is beautiful quartz, normally found in Brazil. Tangerine Quartz has also been found in Madagascar. The gorgeous orange coloring of this quartz comes about naturally. Natural mineral deposits on the crystals cause the tangerine coloring. Iron enriched soil may be a factor as well. Tangerine Quartz has clear quartz properties as well as its own properties. It is said that this quartz enhances ones strength and also helps balance or level the emotions, thus making one feel more calmly detached instead of panicky or upset. Tangerine Quartz can enhance evolution of the inner self. It can provide spiritual growth and stimulates ones creativity and creative power. Meditating with tangerine quartz can facilitate new ideas and inspiration and can help us find the zest and energy to find them. Tangerine Quartz can bring about knowledge that beauty comes from within. It is excellent for heightening compassion for others. Tangerine quartz is about giving and receiving, emotions, change, movement, acceptance and ability to understand new ideas, health, working in harmony with others, co creation and creativity. Metaphysically, tangerine quartz has been used for reproductive system disorders, aids in assimilation of iron in the blood, stimulates the chi energy, circulation and depression, weight loss, and AIDS. Tangerine Quartz harmonizes well with orange calcite, carnelian and golden labradorite. Tangerine Quartz is associated with the Sacral Chakra.

Quartz, Titanium:
is the most powerful and vibrationally intense material of all the coated and treated quartz. These treated quartz project strength, mental sharpness and physical power. These properties are amplified by the quartz base stones. This crystal helps dispel sorrow and replace it with unlimited joy; it can help heal stressful relationships. Quartz is a master healer and is believed to amplify, cleanse and diffuse energy. This crystal is a perfect conduit for positive energy, and works to clear a pathway for dysfunctional energies in your life. These beautiful crystals have additional properties produced by the infusion of precious metals with the Quartz crystals producing various Aura color combinations. Titanium Quartz is energizing to the entire chakra system, as well as the physical body. Titanium Quartz assists greatly in meditation. Titanium Quartz can be very energizing on all levels, and that it can awaken all seven chakras, the energy centers of the body. It is said to increase zest and enjoyment of life, and to dispel sadness. It also has all the properties of natural quartz crystals; alignment, harmony, etc. Metaphysical healing lore says this crystal can stimulate the entire endocrine system and is especially useful for reactivating a sluggish immune system. Titanium treated quartz is a natural quartz, that has been specially treated in a process much like gold plating. It fuses a molecular layer of titanium plus other metals to the surface of the parent material. The result is a permanent coloring of the surface creating a dazzling effect to the specimen. The many facets of these crystals catch and reflect light in all directions and the iridescent surfaces shimmer and change color as they move and send light in different angles. Titanium Aura Quartz helps to balance and open ones chakra system. Titanium Quartz is associated with all chakras. It is associated with all signs of the zodiac.

Quartz, Tourmalated: also known as tourmaline in quartz. Having the black tourmaline included in the quartz keeps this stone clear of negativity. The quartz in turn amplifies the black tourmaline amplifying energies, making the tourmalated quartz one of the most powerful stones for clearing out bad vibes of all types. It is an excellent protective stone, and brings balance and inner strength. Tourmalated Quartz repairs the auric field, restores the balance to all chakras and promotes general well being. It deflects and grounds negativity, and reduces anxiety and depression. Tourmalated Quartz facilitates clear thinking and is beneficial to those who have indulged in negative behaviors, helping to stay on a spiritual and positive path. Wear tourmalated quartz to deflect destructive energies. It is ideal for psychic protection because it keeps away negative energy.  In metaphysical healing tourmalated quartz can aid those attempting to purify their bodies after substance abuse and for those who are attempting to improve their diets. Tourmalated Quartz harmonizes well with moldavite, charoite, sugilite, back obsidian, jet and citrine. Tourmalated Quartz is associated with all chakras.

Que Sera: is a stone from Brazil with amazing metaphysical properties. Que Sera crystal is said to have good vibration and if you do mediation, it is a great stone to have. Que Sera crystal has been shown to facilitate the amassing of ones mental, physical, psychic and spiritual powers so that one is always alert. Que Sera encourages risk-taking. It is used to understand emotions. According to Melody this stone is from one of the grand formations of the planet... meaning that all these stones have the same properties regardless of their actual physical make-up! Melody calls them UPS - uninterruptible power supply. These Que Sera stones resonate strongly within the higher chakras. It has a number of quite interesting stone meanings and its qualities keep unfolding as you use it. The makeup of Que Sera stone is as following: Feldspar, Calcite, Kaolininte, Iron-oxides, Magnetite, Clinozoistite, and Leucozene. They also may have some quartz, they are still natural crystals stones. Que Sera stones have a strong energy that works quickly to increase clairaudience and very suitable for Tarot Card reader, Psychic reader who needs to increase their psychic hearing. What you ask you may just get the answer. This is an interesting stone, that vibrates to the words of the song of the same name Que Sera, sera, whatever will be, will be. Que Sera from Brazil is a form of Quartz which contains traces of feldspar, calcite, kaolinite, iron-oxides, magnetite, clinozoistite, and leucozene. Que Sera harmonizes well with Angel Quartz, Aqua Aura Quartz, Celestite, Charoite, Dumortierite, Herkimer Diamonds, Seraphinite and Super Seven. Que Sera is associated with all chakras, especially the crown chakra.

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The information in this section is from information given in a number of texts such as 'Love is in
the Earth' by Melody, 'The Book of Stones' by Robert Simmons-Naisha Ahsians and 'The Crystal Bible by
Judy Hall, unless otherwise stated. We try to credit all articles but sometimes don't know where they
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This article was published on Friday 04 January, 2013.
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